How do I connect robot vacuum to alexa via skill Roborock Plus?
Roboorck Plus is a skill that will allow users to bind their Roboorck ID to the Amazon Alexa. After account linked, users will be able to control the Roborock devices via Alexa.
How do I use Alexa to control Roborock?
Note: Make sure your robot is added and online on Roborock app (not Mi Home) first.
Go to “Skills & Games” then search for “Roborock Plus”on Alexa app.
Link your Roboock app to Alexa to discover devices in your Roborock account that Alexa can control.
If Alexa does not show “discover devices” option, go to setting to discover manually.
Go to devices list and check if the robot appears and now you can use your Alexa smart speakers to start and stop cleaning.
Related FAQs:
How do I connect robot vacuum to alexa via skill Roborock Home or Mi Home?
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