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How do I share my robot to others on Mi Home?

How Could You Share Device to Others?

MI ID A: Owner of device

MI ID B: Who wants to have device from owner.

  1. Make sure MI ID A and MI ID B select same region.

 choose Settings on profile tabchoose Region

  1. Log in MI ID A and hold device to select share.

 hold device to select Share

  1. Input MI ID B and share device to B.


 click Share with Mi Accountcopy MI ID and click OK to share deviceclick on OK your MI ID on profile tab

  1. Log in MI ID B and go to notification to accept invitation from MI ID A.


 go to notificationclick Shared devicesaccept invitation


  1. Device will appear on MI ID B’s list.

But please notice the shared function is designed to just allow some basic features to be used by account shared. If MI ID B needs the whole features of device, we suggest he uses the owner's Mi account as one Mi account could be signed in on multiple phones.

 settings listclick on Share


Related FAQ:

Can multiple people control the robot by using different Mi accounts?

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