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Our Robot: 2.4G vs 5G Wi-Fi Band Support

We would like to clarify the differences between 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi bands for you as well as explain the situation regarding our robots.
1. Differences between 2.4GHz and 5GHz:
      • It has been in use for a long time.
      • Many other devices, such as old cordless phones, garage door openers, and baby monitors, also use this band.
      • It has a relatively long effective range, which means it can cover a larger area.


        • It is a more recent addition to Wi-Fi technology.
        • Fewer devices are currently compatible with it.
        • Its effective range is shorter compared to 2.4GHz.
2. Our Robots' Wi-Fi Support:
Our robots currently only support the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi band and do not support 5GHz at present. We have already fed this back to the tech team, and support for 5G will be considered as an optimization plan in the future.
3. Solutions for Wi-Fi-related Issues or What can users do if they only have 5G band Wi-Fi:
①If you can't see the 2.4GHz network:
      • If you see a 5GHz network but not the 2.4GHz one, it may be disabled.
      • Check your router settings to enable the 2.4GHz network.
②For dual-band routers:
      • If your router has separate SSIDs (for example, "WiFiName_2.4" and "@WiFiName_5"):
        • When setting up our robots, choose the 2.4GHz network (the one with the 2.4 end notation like 2G).
      • If your router has a combined SSID (offers both 2.4GHz and 5GHz on the same network name):
        • Try connecting to this network first.
        • If you can't connect, contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or your router manufacturer to enable separate bands or get help with connection issues.
We hope this clarifies the situation for you.

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